12 Habits for Success - Integrity
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Have you ever heard the word integrity? ´Have a look at these pictures and try to guess which is NOT showing integrity.answers
Let's find out what exactly integrity is.
After buying food in the school canteen, you realize the seller gave you an extra 2 € with your change. What will you do?answersKeep the moneyReturn 1 €Share it with friendsReturn 2 €
Someone has dropped his wallet in front of you. What will you do?answers
- Contains "return"
- Contains "give"
- Contains "call"
Who is NOT showing integrity?
Let's recall
Resolvesolve problems
Empathyinteract with others
Respectwork in diverse teams
Generositygive support or help
12 habitsIntegrityRespectEmpathyOther habitsBeing negativeNose pickingUnhealthy eating
What is your favourite habit (from the 12 Habits for success)answers
- Contains "Confidence"
- Contains "Organization"
- Contains "Resolve"
- Contains "Generosity"
- Contains "Passion"
- Contains "Honesty"
- Contains "Equity"
- Contains "Respect"
- Contains "Integrity"
- Contains "control"
- "patience"
- Contains "empathy"
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