Spanish Greetings
Kindergarten, University, 1 grade, 3 grade, 2 grade, 4 grade, 5 grade, 6 grade, 7 grade, 8 grade, 9 grade, 10 grade, 11 grade, 12 grade
In this lesson, you will learn the most common Spanish phrases to master your first conversation with a native speaker.
In this video you will hear some greetings in Spanish!
Let’s begin with the greetings. Here are the most common greetings in Spanish.
What does "buenos dias" mean?answersGood nightGood to see youGood morningGood afternoon
How to you say "Hi" in spanish?answers
- "Hola"
- "Hola!"
- "¡Hola!"
- "Buenas"
Which one is not a greeting?answersChaoHolaBuenas tardes.Buenos dias.
Buenas tardes tells you that this conversation is taking place ...answersin the morningin the afternoonat night
Introducing Yourself in Spanish :
¿Cuál es tu nombre? – What is your name? (informal)
¿Cuál es su nombre? – What is your name? (formal)
¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?
The correct response to "¿Como se llama?" is...answersBien, gracias.Me llamo Señora Raya.Si, señora.Mucho gusto.
How Are You in Spanish
After greeting the person, it is very important to ask if the person is doing well.
¿Qué tal? – How are you?
¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
¿Qué pasa? – What’s up?
Connect the pairsanswers
Buenas nochesGood evening
¿Qué pasa?What’s up?
Buenas tardesGood afternoon
What is the correct response to "¿Como estas?"answersBuenas tardes.De nada.Muy bien, gracias.Me llamo Señora Hays.
De nadaYou're welcome
Por favorPlease
GraciasThank you
Asi-asiI am so-so
"¿Qué pasa?" Draw your answer.
Do you need