Present simple
5 клас
Jean .....in London.answerslivesliveliving
Her dad.....Maths.answersteachteachesis teaching
.....she go to school on foot?answers
- "Does"
.... you walk to school?answers
- "Do"
Doyou walk to school?
DoesKate play hockey?
Dothey work shifts?
Hefinishes work at 11 pm.
I .....lunch at 12:30.answershasamhave
I .....my homework in the morning.answers
- "do"
Lusy......have a Histiry lessons on Mondays.answers
- "doesn't"
- "does not"
Do you work on Saturdays?answersYes, you do.No, I don't.No, I do.
Does Mary like her job?answersYes, we does.Yes, she does.Yes, she do.
Do you need