Past simple tense
4 клас
В минало просто време формата на спомагателния глагол е:answersgododiddoes
I .... tired on Sunday morning.answersamwaswereare
You .... at the library five minutes ago.answersamarewerewas
She .... at the cinema yesterday.answersisarewaswere
Did you ......to the cinema yesterday?answerswentgogoinggoes
They ....... to school yesterday.answersdidn't comedidn't camedid comedid
Nick .... karate yesterday.answersplaydiddoplayed
They ..... the plates ten minutes ago.answerswatchwachedwashwashed
Sally .... Bulgarian last year.answersstudystudyedstudysstudied
Mum and I ..... TV yesterday evening.answerswatchwatchedwatcheswashed
My btother .... to music ten minutes ago.answerslistenslistenis listeninglistened
На въпроса:" Was she at school yesterday?" кой отговор е верен?answersYes, she is.Yes, she does.Yes, she did.Yes, she was.
Did you .... the film yesterday?answersseesawdodid
Did my father....... a tea yesterday?answersdrinkeddrinkdrinksdrank
Кое изречение е вярно?answersHe has a cat three years ago.He have a cat three years ago.He had cat three years ago.He had a cat three years ago.
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