Околен свят - изходно ниво

Околен свят - изходно ниво

1 клас
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    Коя дума е излишна?
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
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    Какво правят хората през пролетта?
    Берат и прибират зеленчуците.
    Правят зимнина.
    Орат земята и засяват семена
    Поставят хранилки за птиците.
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
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    На Коледа ....
    Боядисваме яйца.
    Украсяваме елха
    Правим мартеници
  • Image for quiz
    Кога е националният празник на България?
    3 март
    24 май
    22 септември
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
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