Fusion 4 - Unit 1 Vocabulary
7 grade
Pay attention to the following highly educational memes on the verb - get
What does get "rekt" mean?отговориThis is what we do between lessons.It means get "wrecked" as in "messed up" or "wasted" . It is slang and should not be used in formal English. Being Grade 7 students we would never do this!This is what happens when you drive your Audi too fast, while texting and listening to gangsta rap down Highway Trakia.
What does "get some help" mean in this context?отговориCall 112Stop being silly.Call your best friend for help.
Paying for school to "get" a job!!! Agree or disagree?отговориAgreeDisagreeNeither. Nothing makes sense anymore. Get me out of here!
Do you know who Bob Ross is? For homework please watch 5 mins of his work.отговориBob Ross the is the original ASMRBob Ross is Mark Zuckerberg's dad. Welcome to the Dark Side.Bob Ross is Da Boss!
Pay attention to the following highly educational memes on the verb - make
Who can relate to this?отговориYesNoI don't' have any relations.
Who can relate to this?отговориYesNoThis quiz is pure nonsense.
Who can relate to getting high grades?отговориYes! That is me every day of the week.No! I don't even know where my pen is.Seriously?!
Should we get back to work?отговориYes!No!Please make it stop!
Are you looking forwards to leaving Grade 7 like this?отговориYes! I can't wait for high school.No! I want to go back to kindergarten.Whatever! Why is this quiz still going.
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