4 клас
Watch the video carefully and take the quiz.
The ball goes _ _ _ _ the box. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориoverunderpastover
The ball goes _ _ _ _ _ _ the boxes. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориunderacrossbetweendown
The ball goes _ _ _ _ _ the box. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориoverout ofaroundunder
The ball goes _ _ _ _ the box. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориoverpastaroundbetween
The ball goes _ _ _ _ the stairs. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориaroundupacrosspast
The ball goes _ _ _ _ the stairs. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориdownuppastacross
The ball is going _ _ _ _ _ _ the tube. Use the correct preposition.(Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориbetweenacrosspastthrough
The ball is going _ _ _ _ _ _ the road. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориout ofpastacrossaround
The ball is going _ _ _ _ the box. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориout ofintoaroundover
The ball is going _ _ _ _ _ the box. Use the right preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориintoout ofpastover
The ball is rolling _ _ _ _ _ the box. Use the correct preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориacrossaroundoverunder
The ball is moving _ _ _ _ _ the road. Use the right preposition. (Използвай правилния предлог.)отговориunderbetweenacrossalong
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