Progress Review Test 6
3 клас
Point the odd one out.отговориdressreadshoessweater
Point the odd one out.отговориhomeworkfootballtennisbasketball
Point the odd one out.отговориsleepcometrousershide
Point the odd one out.отговориbedroomkitchennoisebathroom
Point the odd one out.отговориplayingdrinkswimmingreading
Point the odd one out.отговориT-shirthaveshoesskirt
Tom ..... wearing a T-shirt.отговориisisn'tarearen't
Tom ..... wearing trousers.отговориisisn'tarearen't
Tom ..... wearing a sweater.отговориisisn'tarearen't
Emmy ....... wearing a dress.отговориisisn'tarearen't
Tom and Emmy ..... wearing shoes.отговориisisn'tarearen't
Tom and Emmy ..... wearing skirts.отговориisisn'tarearen't
The elepfant ........... a tree.отговориisn'tisn't climbisn't climbingclimb
She ..... in my bed.отговориsleepis sleepis sleepingare sleeping
We ...... in the treehouse.отговориsleephideeatare hiding
I ......... an ice cream.отговориeatam eateatingam eating
You ..... red trousers.отговориaren't wearingwearswearwering
She ....... a shower.отговориis havingis washingis cleaninghead
Point: SLEEP
Point: EAT
Point: HIDE
Point: WEAR
He's getting up.
Point: PLAY
It's eating honey.
They aren't dreaming.
He's rollerblading.
She's sleeping.
He isn't playing football.
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