Progress Review Test 5
3 клас
Point: SOUP
Point: MILK
Point: EGGS
Point: HONEY
Choose: Sally .............. milk for breakfast.отговориlikelikes
Choose: Chatter ........... bananas.отговориlikelikes
Choose: They .......... bread and honey for breakfast.отговориlikelikes
Choose: Patty ............ fish for breakfast and lunch.отговориlikeslike
Choose: You ........... biscuits and chocolate for breakfast.отговориlikeslike
Choose: We .......... chicken and salad.отговориlikelikes
Choose: I ...... ..... to school on Sunday.отговориgo nevernever go
Choose: They ........ ....... breakfast.отговориhave alwaysalways have
Choose: She swims ............... .отговориalwaysevery day
Do you visit your grandma ........ Saturday?отговориinon
I ......... .......... basketball.отговориplay sometimessometimes play
.........Wednesday we go to the park.отговориOnIn
She ............... at 8 o'clock.отговориgo to bedhave breakfastgoes to bedhas breakfast
She .......... to dancing school at 11 o'clock.отговориgogoeslikelikes
He ........... football every Sunday.отговориswimplayswimsplays
She ......... at 7 o'clock.отговориgets updet upgo to bedsleep
They ............ on Saturday.отговориplays basketballplay basketballplaysdoes sports
She ............ every day.отговориgoes to schooleat breakfasteats breakfastplays
Does Tom play computer games every day?отговориYes, he does.No, he doesn't.
Does Peter clean his teeth every day?отговориYes, he does.No, he doesn't.
Does Emily play the piano every Monday?отговориYes, he does.Yes, she does.No, she doesn't.No, she does.
Does Rob play basketball after school?отговориYes, he does.Yes, she does.No, he doesn't.No, he does.
Does he go to school at 7 o'clock?отговориYes, he does.No, he doesn't.Yes, she does.No, she doesn't.
Does Rob play basketball in the park?отговориYes, he does.No, he doesn't.No, she doesn't.
Heplays football.
Shecooks well.
Ilike swimming.
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