Irregular verbs 1
5 клас
makemade, made
gowent, gone
havehad, had
dodid, done
comecame, come
пишаотговориwrote, writtenwritten, wrotewrited, wrote
infinitivepast simplepast participle
What are the forms of the verb "SLEEP"? - Sleep ,........, .......отговори
- "slept slept"
ПИЯотговориdrink, drank, drunkdrank, drink, drunkdrunk, drink, drankdrink, drunk, drank
КАРАМ (колело)отговориride, rode, riddenride, rided, riddendrive, drove, drivendrive, drived, driven
шофирамотговориride, rode, riddenride, rided, riddendrive, drove, drivendrive, drived, driven
feelfelt, felt
telltold, told
hearheard, heard
infinitivePast SimplePast Participle
infinitivePast SimplePast Participle
infinitivePast SimplePast participle
infinitivePast Simple
What are the forms of the verb "CATCH" ? - catch, ........, .......отговори
- "caught caught"
МИСЛЯотговориthought, thoughtthaught, thoughtthinked, thinked
What is the Past Simple form of the verb CANотговориcouldcoudcanedcanned
What are the forms of the verb "GET"? - get,......., ........отговори
- "got got"
What are the forms of the verb "READ"- read, ......., ........отговори
- "read read"
харча, прекарвамотговориspend,spent, spentspend, spended, spendedspent, spend, spend
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