The Past Simple: the verb BE
5 клас
1 Формите на глагола be в минало просто време са две:
- was (1л. ед.ч. и 3л. ед. ч.)
- were (2л. едн.ч. и 1,2 и 3 л. мн. ч.)
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
При кои местоимения формата на глагола BE е was?отговориI, he, she , ityou, we, theyhe, she , itwe, they
2 Въпросителни изречения. - във въпросителни изречения was и were стоят пред предлога.
Was he here yeaterday? - Той беше ли тук вчера?
Were they here yesterday? - Бяха ли тук вчера?
Когато използваме въпросителна думя, тя застава пред was и were.
Where was he yesterday? – Къде беше той вчера?
When were they here? – Кога бяха тук?
When ................ he at home?отговориwerewaswherehow
3 Отрицателна форма образуваме, като поставим not след was или were. - was not (wasn`t) и were not (weren`t)
He was not (wasn`t) here yesterday. - Той не беше тук вчера.
They were not (weren`t) here yesterday. - Те не бяха тук вчера.
Was it cold yesterday? - No, it ................. .отговориisn`tweren`twasn`taren`t
Mr Green .............. in Londonlast week but his children ............... with him.отговориwas, were notwere, was notwas, waswere, were
A: ........... you at school yesterday?
B: No, we ............ .
отговориwas, waswas, werewere, weren`twas, wasn`t -
We ........... at the Natural History Museum. It ............ great!отговориwere, waswas, werewasn`t, weren`twere, wasn`t
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